Couvalis, George
Appears as editor in
Dova, Stamatia. "Never to Return: Migration and Old Age in Venezis's 'The State of Virginia'" (2013)
Borghart, Pieter. "The Paradigm of Greek Romantic Prose Fiction (1830-1850): A Reappraisal of A. Soutsos's The Exile of 1831" (2009) 4.5056Study
Polychrona, Maria. "Narrating the Life of a Subverted Saint: Kazantzakis' Initial Title for Zorba and the Parody of the Genre" (2009) 4.2594Study
Vincent, Alfred. "Laughter and Freedom: The Theory and Practice of Humour in Kazantzakis" (2009) 4.2634Study
Vardoulakis, Dimitris. "Reading Chapter One, Part Two of Papadiamantes's The Merchants of the Nations" (2007) 4.3549Study
Zarimis, Maria. "Darwinian Thought in Grigorios Xenopoulos' 'Athenian Letters'" (2007) 4.5729 handle.netStudy