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All book-length items in which smaller CENSUS items appear. For each volume, only its CENSUS-related contents are
listed, in order of appearance.
Access All Areas: Selected Writings 1990-2011
Acquainted with the Night: Insomnia Poems
Actes du IIe Congrès international des études du Sud-Est européen (Athènes, 7-13 mai 1970). Tome V (Athènes: Association internationale d'études du Sud-Est européen, 1978)
Actes du XVe Congrès international des linguistes, Québec, Université Laval, 9-14 août 1992: Les langues menacées / Endangered Languages: Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists, Québec, Université Laval, 9-14 August 1992
- Adaptations
The Aegean: The Epicenter of Greek Civilization
- After Antiquity: Greek Language, Myth, and Metaphor
Alexandria: A History and a Guide
- Alexandria: City of Gifts and Sorrows: From Hellenistic Civilisation to Multiethnic Metropolis
Alexandria, Real and Imagined
Republished in 2017 as an ebook: _Alexandria, Real and Imagined_ (Anthony Hirst and M.S. Silk, eds. Publications for the Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College, London: Routledge, 2017). ISBN 135195959X; 9781351959599
- Almost Paradise: New and Selected Poems and Translations
Americans and the Experience of Delphi
Americans' Favorite Poems
Ancient Myth in Modern Greek Poetry: Essays in Memory of C.A. Trypanis
Ancient Myths in the Making of Culture
- And What Books Do You Read? New Studies in Australian Literature. Essays Presented to Laurie Hergenhan, Celebrating his Contribution to the Study of Australian Literature and Marking the Occasion of his Retirement
- The Angel Poems & Other Writings by Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke
- Angelic & Black: Contemporary Greek Short Stories
- Angelos Sikelianos and the Delphic Idea
- Anglo-American Perceptions of Hellenism
- Another Republic: 17 European & South American Writers
- Anti-Modernism: Radical Revisions of Collective Identity
- Antigone on the Contemporary World Stage
Archaeology and European Modernity: Producing and Consuming the Minoans
- Around the World in 90 Years
- The Art of Poetry: The Oxford Lectures, 1984-1989
- Athens by Neighborhood
- Authors and Pages in Greek Literature: Frankfurt 2001 / Greece Guest of Honour
Authors of the Early to Mid-20th Century
- Ava Gardner: Touches of Venus. An Anthology
The Avant-Garde and the Margin: New Territories of Modernism