Liddell, Robert
Appears as author in
In The Penguin New Writing 39 ( 1950)Study
In Personal Landscape June 1942Study
Appears as translator in
Novel (excerpt)
In The Atlantic Monthly 195.6 (June 1955)Short story
In The Atlantic Monthly 195.6 (June 1955)Short story
In The Atlantic Monthly 195.6 (June 1955)Poetry
In The Atlantic Monthly 195.6 (June 1955)Novel (excerpt)
In Horizon 18.105 (Sept. 1948)Poetry
Cavafy, C.P. "Remember Body" | "Of Coloured Glass" | "The Trojans" | "The Afternoon Sun" ([1945]) 4.574Poetry
In Citadel (Cairo) May 1942Poetry
In Citadel (Cairo) May 1942Study