Varveris, Giannis
Appears as author in
In Mondo Greco 11 (Spring 2004)Poetry
In Mondo Greco 8 (Fall 2002)Poetry
Varvéris, Yánnis. "The Neckties of the Dead" (Οι γραβάτες των πεθαμένων) | "Mosquito Allegory" (Η αλληγορία του κώνωπος) (2001) 4.5483In Μπιλιέτο / Bilieto 1 (Ιούλιος-Δεκέμβριος 2001)Poetry
In Agenda 36.3-4 (Spring 1999)Poetry
Varvéris, Yánnis. "My Head" | "The Beak" | "Mighty Wing over the Bedsheet" | "Hostia" | "What Love Portends" (1980) 4.5482In Pacific Quarterly Moana 5.3 (July 1980)Poetry