[S.S. Charkianakis]. Fireworks & Sparrows: Selected Poems by S.S. Charkianakis. Translator: Vrasidas Karalis. Editor: Sybille Smith. [Leichhardt] Sydney, Australia: Primavera [Press], 1994. 74 p.
ISBN 1875368140 limited ed.; 9781875368143 limited ed.; 1875368159 pbk; 9781875368150 pbk
Contains: Selection of poems (the provenance of which is not mentioned): "Instead of a Prologue" (p. 1); "Ballad of the Night" (p. 2); "For Those Who Hate the Light" (p. 3); "Belated Homecoming" (p. 4); "Epitaph" (p. 5); "Hymn to the Anonymous" (p. 6); "Passus Mortalis" (p. 7); "Keep Left" (p. 8); "Australia, 1975" (p. 9); "Requiem for Poetry" (p. 10); "Traffic" (p. 11); "The Noblest Metal" (p. 12); "Orientation" (p. 13); "The Mirror" (p. 14); "To C.P. Cavafy" (p. 15); "Associations" (p. 16); "Anthropocentrism" (p. 17); "Intensive Care" (p. 18); "The House in Ashfield" (p. 19); "To My Mother" (p. 20); "Mother Forgive" (p. 21); "Paper Boy" (p. 22); "Conversation" (p. 23); "Evaluation" (p. 24);
"The First Resurrection" (p. 25); "The Ever-virginity of Life" (p. 26); "Deeper Communication" (p. 27); "Edification" (p. 28); "Defenceless Innocence" (p. 29); "Memorial (B)" (p. 30); "The Face of the Earth" (p. 31); "The Psyche of the Inanimate" (p. 32); "Expatriates" (p. 33); "Lyrical Objection (B)" (p. 34); "To My Mother Again" (p. 35); "The Miracle" (p. 36); "Return to the Same Place" (p. 37); "A Place in Utopia" (p. 38); "The Drunkard" (p. 39); "One Definition More" (p. 40); "Captive" (p. 41); "Most of All" (p. 42); "Things and Miracles" (p. 43); "Besieging the Ineffable" (p. 44); "The Muezzin" (p. 45); "Whiteness the Uncontended" (p. 46); "Delirium" (p. 47); "Nevertheless" (p. 48); "Day and Night" (p. 49);
"Frugality" (p. 50); "Nothing in Excess" (p. 51); "Presence" (p. 52); "Memories" (p. 53); "Trial" (p. 54); "The Great Dilemma" (p. 55); "The Timeless Miracle" (p. 56); "Integrity" (p. 57); "The Poet's Race" (p. 58); "A Grief Collective and Multifarious" (p. 59); "Above All Else Charitable" (p. 60); "Bitter Equation" (p. 61); "From a Distance" (p. 62); "Silent Allegory" (p. 63); "The Affirmative Glance" (p. 64); "Borrowed Paternity" (p. 65); "On the Trail" (p. 66); "The Other Level" (p. 67); "The Authenticity of Signature" (p. 68). Notes (p. 69); About the Author (p. 73); About the Translator (p. 73).
Each of the poems is identified by the place and date of its composition, but the original Greek collections (if any) are not mentioned.
Review by Peter Bien in Modern Greek Studies (Australia & New Zealand) 4 (1996): 169-173.