Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke. Spring Offering for Yanoussa. Poems by Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke, Etchings by Tamara Rikman. Portfolio of twelve etchings and twelve poems in an edition of thirty-six. Thirty portfolios numbered 1/30 to 30/30. Four artists's proof portfolios numbered A.P. I/IV to A.P. IV/IV. Two printer's proof portfolios numbered P.P. I/II to P.P. II/II. All prints signed and numbered by the artist. English translation by Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke and Jackie Willcox. Hebrew translation from the English by T. Karmi. Printed on Arches paper 250 gr. 35x56.5 cm by the Jerusalem Print Workshop. Tel Aviv, Israel: Loushy Editions, [1991].
A portfolio. Interleafed pages: one each of poetry and etchings. One poem per page; the Greek, English and Hebrew next to each other in three columns.
Location: Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library.