Stratis Haviaras. Millenial Afterlives: A Retrospective. The Kimon Friar Lectures in Neo-Hellenic Arts & Letters. Library Pamphlet Series, 3. Athens: The American College of Greece, 1997. 74 p.
Contains: "Kimon Friar as Mentor" (pp. 1-8); When the Tree Sings - A Novel (Two Episodes) (pp. 9-16); The Heroic Age - A Novel. A Fragment from the Fifth Chapter (pp. 17-25); "Six Poems [in Greek]" (pp. 26-31); The Three Basils - A Novel (an excerpt from Chapter Three) (pp. 33-39); Millenial Afterlives (Shorts) (pp. 41-74).
The folder includes a pamphlet "Kimon & Friends: Merrill Haviaras Brinnin Vidal" (15 p.) with an introduction by Matthew Jennett (pp. 2-4); Exhibition Notes (pp. 4-15).
A shorter version under the same title: Aurora, NY: Wells College Press, 2000. 29 p. (ISBN 1887196064; 9781887196062).