Bien, Peter. Kazantzakis: Politics of the Spirit. Volume 1. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989. xxiv, 318 p.
ISBN 0691067864; 9780691067865; 0691128804 pbk; 9780691128801 pbk; 0691128138 hbk; 9780691128139 hbk
Again, in the same year as vol. 2 {4.2422} was first published, vol 1 came out in a second printing, and a first paperback printing, with a new preface: Princeton, NJ; Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2007 (ISBN 0691128804 pbk; 9780691128801 pbk).
Contains: Preface (pp. ix-xii); A Note on Documentation and Transliteration (p. xiii); List of Works (pp. xv-xvii); Chronology (pp. xix-xxvi).
1. "Why Kazantzakis Is Not a Political Writer" (pp. 1-22); 2. "Philosophical Studies in Paris" (pp. 23-53); 3. "Development of Kazantzakis's (Meta-)Communism" (pp. 55-78); 4. "The Iráklion Incident and the Odyssey's First Draft" (pp. 79-98); 5. "Russia" (pp. 99-156); 6. "Toda-Raba and the Waning of Kazantzakis's Communism" (pp. 157-184); 7. "Aesthetic Freedom" (pp. 185-190); 8. "Odyssey" (pp. 191-239).
Notes (pp. 241-285); References (pp. 287-309); Index (pp. 311-318).