Journal of Modern Greek Studies 16.2 (October 1998): 195-348. Peter Bien, ed. Special Issue: "Nikos Kazantzakis".
Contains: Roderick Beaton, "Of Crete and Other Demons: A Reading of Kazantzakis's Freedom and Death" (pp. 195-220); Susan Matthias, "Restoring the Prologue to the English Edition of Βίος και πολιτεία του Αλέξη Ζορμπά (alias Zorba the Greek): Recreating a Work in Progress" (pp. 221-240).
Nikos Kazantzakis, "Prologue to Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis", tr. Susan Matthias (pp. 241-245).
Holly E. Parker, "Language as a Mask for Silence in Two Seemingly Antithetical Authors: Kazantzakis and Joyce" (pp. 247-264); Peter Bien, "Kazantzakis's Metachristian Play Νικηφόρος Φωκάς" (pp. 265-284); Darren J.N. Middleton, "Kazantzakis and Christian Doctrine: Some Bridges of Understanding" (pp. 285-312); C.D. Gounelas, "The Concept of Resemblance in Kazantzakis's Tragedies Christ and Buddha" (pp. 313-330); Lewis Owens, "'Does This One Exist?' The Unveiled Abyss of Nikos Kazantzakis" (pp. 331-348).