Kostas Kindinis. Poems: Reinvestigations and Descent from the Cross. Translated from the Modern Greek with a preface by Kimon Friar. A Nostos Book, 2. [Minneapolis, MN]: North Central Publishing Company, 1980. vi, 56 p. <Poetry>
ISBN 093547605 9; 9780935476057
Preface (pp. v-vi).
Reinvestigations (pp. 1-40); Descent from the Cross (pp. 41-56).
_ Reinvestigations: Αναψηλάφηση_ (Αθήνα: Δωδώνη, 1974)
_ Descent from the Cross: Αποκαθήλωση_ (Αθήνα: Δωδώνη, 1974)