Katsan, Gerasimus. "'Be It Ever so Humble': Nostalgia for Home and the Problem of Return in Post-War Greek Novels". In Greek Diaspora and Migration since 1700: Society, Politics and Culture (Dimitris Tziovas, ed. Farnham, Surrey; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2009): 205-214.{3.1406}
ISBN 0754666093; 9780754666097
Mainly re. Melpo Axioti's Το σπίτι μου (1965), Dimitris Chatzis's Το διπλό βιβλίο (1976), Alki Zei's Η αρραβωνιαστικιά του Αχιλλέα (1987), and Mimika Kranaki's Φιλέλληνες (1992).