[Michael Marmarinos]. Εθνικός Ύμνος: η σκηνοθεσία ως δραματουργία, ένα θεώρημα για την ομαδικότητα / National Ηymn, according to Michael Marmarinos, Directing as Play-Writing. [No translator mentioned]. Βιβλία για το θέατρο. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις ΚΟΑΝ, 2002. 333 p., 2 photos. Bilingual edition: odd pages Greek, even pages English.
ISBN 9607895231; 9789607895233
Texts from many authors, including those written by the director and the actors during a production of the "National Hymn". Linked with the country of Georgia through photos placed at the book's beginning and end.