Stratis Myrivilis. The Schoolmistress with the Golden Eyes. Translated by Philip Sherrard. *London: Hutchinson, 1964. 288 p. <Novel>
Chicago: Argonaut, 1969. 288 p. (ISBN —).
Athens, Greece: Efstathiadis Group, 1981, 1989, 1991, 1998, 2001, 2003. 263 p. (ISBN 9602260882 pbk; 9789602260883 pbk).
River Vale, NJ: Cosmos, 1994. 261 p. (ISBN 9602260882; 9789602260883).
Η δασκάλα με τα χρυσά μάτια (Αθήνα: Εστία, 1933)