Αργυρόπουλος, Κ.Τ. (επιμ.) / Argoe, Kostis Tamias (ed.). Δειλοί και σκληροί στίχοι [του] Κωστή Παλαμά / Verses Mild and Harsh [by] Kostes Palamas. Σικάγο: Εκδοτική Εταιρεία Ο Νεοελληνικός Μερκούρι / Chicago: The Neohellenic Mercury Publishing Company, 1928. 284 p.
This book contains only the Greek text of Palamas' collection of poetry, not a translation. It includes, however, the following pieces in English: Kostes Palamas, "Dedication", tr. D.T. Tselos (p. 13); "Preface", signed by D. Tselos, G. Christon, D. Parry, K.T. Argoe (pp. 15-16); Buck, Carl Darling. "The Language Question" (pp. 19-29); Stevens, David Harrison. "Palamas and the Western World" (pp. 31-36); Skipis, Sotiris. "Modern Greek Poetry and Kostes Palamas" (pp. 37-39); Prior, Moody Erasmus. "The Manuscript of Verses Mild and Harsh" (pp. 41-44); Argoe, Kostis Tamias. "Neohellenic Poetry from Digenis Akritas to Kostes Palamas" (pp. 45-56).