Marias Polydoure. Poems. Translated by Robert Head. Official Reader: Panos Katsis. Blue Sulphur Springs, WV: Published by Desmond O'Brien, [2005]. [24] p. Bilingual edition.
Contains: "Hwat [sic] shall i [sic] call you …" (pp. [4]-[5]); "To a Bouquet of Roses" (pp. [6]-[9]); "Cum [sic] sweet …" (pp. [10]-[11]); "Once i [sic] was companion to hwatever [sic] sweet in Creation …" (pp. [12]-[13]); "Nina was wearing a dress like cobweb …" (pp. [14]-[15]); "Hwat [sic]has becum [sic] of you, very refreshing boatman …" (pp. [16]-[17]); "Not a ship, i [sic] want a boat …" (pp. [18]-[19]); "Iland [sic] solitaire [sic], i [sic] go all over …" (pp. [20]-[21]); "In my dumb heart destroyed for a long time …" (pp. [22]-[23]).
Note: We have preserved the sometimes exotic spellings.
Only in Special Collections at the University Library at SUNY, Buffalo. Thanks to their Librarian and to BC's ILL and to Jonas Barciauskas for obtaining a scan for us.
From the edition: Μ. Πολυδούρη, Ποιήματα. Εισαγωγή Έλλης Αλεξίου. Παρουσίαση-Επιμέλεια Γιώργη Πικρού. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Γ. Οικονόμου, [1981]. Original poems: «Πώς να σας πω; ...», «Σε μια δέσμη τριαντάφυλλα», «Έλα γλυκέ ...», «Συντρόφισσα ήμουν κάποτε σ' ό,τι γλυκό στην Πλάση, ...», «Η Νίνα είχε ένα φόρεμα σαν άχνα ...», «Τί νάχης γίνει ολόδροσε βαρκάρη ...», «Όχι με πλοίο, καράβι θέλω ...», «Νησάκι ερημικό, στης μοναξιάς σου ...», «Μέσ' στην καρδιά μου τη βουβή, καιρό πια ρημασμένη ...».