Angelos Sikelianos. Selected Poems. Translated and introduced by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1979. xx, 150 p. Bilingual edition.
ISBN 0691064059; 9780691064055; 0691013624 pbk; 9780691013626 pbk
Contains: Introduction (pp. xiii-xx).
The poems: "Return" (pp. 2-5); "The Horses of Achilles" (pp. 6-7); "Sparta" (pp. 8-9); "Doric" (pp. 10-11); "The Holy Virgin of Sparta" (pp. 12-13); "On Acrocorinth" (pp. 14-15); "Caique" (pp. 16-17); "Frieze" (pp. 18-19); "Aphrodite Rising" (pp. 20-21); "The First Rain" (pp. 22-25); "Pan" (pp. 26-29); "Thalero" (pp. 30-35); "The Mother of Dante" (pp. 36-39); "Prayer" (pp. 40-41); "Because I Deeply Praised" (pp. 42-43); "The Village Wedding" (pp. 44-65); "Hymn to Artemis Orthia" (pp. 66-87); "Daedalus" (pp. 88-95); "The Suicide of Atzesivano, Disciple of Buddha" (pp. 96-97); "The Sacred Way" (pp. 98-105); "Attic" (pp. 106-111); "Letter IV" (pp. 112-113); "Rehearsing for Death" (pp. 114-127); "Dionysus Encradled" (pp. 128-135), "Agraphon" (pp. 136-141).
Notes (pp. 143-146); Biographical Data (pp. 147-150).
*Also London; Boston: George Allen & Unwin, 1980. [11], 75 p. English only. (ISBN 0048890014; 9780048890016). London: The Anvil Press, 1983.
Second bilingual edition: Reprinted, with emendations. Limni, Evia, Greece: Denise Harvey, 1996. xx, 150 p. (ISBN 9607120124 pbk; 9789607120120 pbk).