[Theocharous, Themis]. Lina Solomonidou. Introduction, Selected Bibliography and Anthology by Themis Theocharous. Translated by Susan Papas and Rhea Frangkofinou. Drawing by Andreas Ladomatos. Lay Out and Supervision by Nicocles Publications. Nicosia, Cyprus: Cyprus PEN Publications, 1993. 53 p.
ISBN 9963554164; 9789963554164
Contains: Introduction (pp. 7-14); Published Works (p. 14); Extracts from Reviews (pp. 15-24).
Extracts from the Works of Lina Solomonidou: "Here Lies ..." (pp. 25-31); "The Journey" (pp. 31-38); "Experiences: Cyprus 1974" (pp. 38-51). <Prose>