Ersi Sotiropoulos. Selected Poetry and Prose. Cambridge, MA: [The Greek Institute], 1991. 27 p.
Poetry: "One or Two in the Red Divan" (p. 5), "The Other Is Sylvia" (p. 6), tr. Athan H. Anagnostopoulos; "June '77" (p. 7), "Sinta" (p. 8), tr. Dino Siotis; "Ask Socrates Marilyn Said" (p. 9), "Ode to Alexander Graham Bell" (p. 10), "Peano's Curve" (p. 11), tr. Stavros Deligiorgis; "From the Hallway to the Kitchen – via the Sea" (pp. 12-13), tr. Dino Siotis.
Prose: "White Nights at the Vatican", tr. Paul Vangelisti (pp. 14-15); Excerpts from "A Three Day Holiday at Yiannena", tr. Nicholas Kostis (pp. 16-17), tr. Maria Kakava (pp. 17-18); Excerpts from Mexico, a Novel, tr. Maria Kakava (pp. 19-26).