C.P. Cavafy. "Seven Poems". Translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard. The Nassau Lit. (Alumni edition: Winter 1974): 119-123.
"I've Brought to Art" (p. 119); "Walls" (p. 119); "The Horses of Achilles" (p. 120); "The Retinue of Dionysos" (p. 121); "Sculptor of Tyana" (p. 122); "Theatre of Sidon (A.D. 400)" (p. 123); "Voices" (p. 123).
(At that time) expected to be published in C.P. Cavafy, Collected Poems. Princeton University Press, 1974.
Non-circulating item in the University Archives (Mudd Library) at Princeton University.