Yiorgos Chouliaras. «[Δ]» / "[Don't]", «Πρόσφυγες» / "Refugees" (pp. 242-243), «Αντιγόνη» / "Antigone" (pp. 244-245), trs. David Mason and the author; «Ο Οδυσσέας στο σπίτι» / "Odysseus at Home" (pp. 244-247), «Στο κέντρο του νερού» / "In the Center of Water" (pp. 246-251), trs. Maria Koundoura and the author. [Bilingual edition]. In Landscapes of Irish and Greek Poets: Essays, Poems, Interviews (Joanna Kruczkowska, ed. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018): 242-251. <Poetry>
ISBN 9781787073715 pbk; 9781787075221 ePub; 9781787075214 ePDF; 9781787075238 mobi
From the retrospective volume of new and selected poems Δρόμοι της μελάνης [Roads of Ink] (Αθήνα: Νεφέλη, 2005).