SLI: Studies in the Literary Imagination (Dept. of English, Georgia State University) 48.2 (Fall 2015). [Special issue:] “Subterranean Histories: Constantine Cavafy and the Poetics of Memory”. xiii, 134 p. Contributing editor: Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr.
Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr., “Subterranean Histories: Constantine Cavafy and the Poetics of Memory” (pp. vii-xiii).
Prelude: Aikaterini Grigoriadou, ‘Dream Out of Reach’ [bilingual poem] (pp. 1-2).
PART ONE: Cavafy as Homerist, Byzantinist, Dramatist, Cosmopolitan
Mike Lippman, “What these Ithakas Really Mean” (pp. 3-29); Anne McClanan, “Cavafy the Byzantinist: The Poetics of Materiality” (pp. 31-46); Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr., “Waterways, Not Walls: Cavafy, the Cosmopolitan Poet of Blurred Boundaries” (pp. 47-71); Gonda Van Steen, “Arthur W. Pinero and Cavafy the Dramatist: The Parallel Quest for the Quality Play” (pp. 73-106).
PART TWO: Cavafy and the Melancholy Poetics of Desire
Orhan Pamuk, “Other Countries, Other Shores” (pp. 107-109); Gregory Jusdanis, “Why is Cavafy so Popular?” (pp. 111-121); Jane Alison, ‘Catoptrica’ <creative prose, addressed to Cavafy> (pp. 123-131).