Roilos, Panagiotis. "Satires on Cavafy and His Work". Appendix 2 in his The Economics of Metonymy: C.P. Cavafy (Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2009): 243-246.
ISBN 0252034813; 9780252034817
Timos Malanos, "The Mega-Thyr" (1917); Photos Politis, "The Delicate Lady, with Whom ..." (1923); 'Markellinos' [pseudonym], "So That It May Be Demonstrated as It Should Be" (1926); Timos Malanos, "Products from the Colonies, 1928 A.D." (1928); Paul Nor, "Cavaf-Arrivals" (1932); Petros Magnis, "Invocation to a Reviewer" (1933). The Greek texts may be found in Dimitris Daskalopoulos, Παρωδίες Καβαφικών ποιημάτων 1917-1997 (Αθήνα, 1998).