Tacopoulos, Paris
Τακόπουλος, Πάρις
In Θεατρικά. B΄ τόμος 2018Book
Duckworth, E.C. "Keni Diathiki ('The Hollow Bible') by Paris Tacopoulos, and Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce: Two Parallel Unique Books, not on the Same Myth. A Biopsy" (2016) greektheatro.orgBook
Philippides, Dia. "Monikin Hollow Testament's Hero with his Author on the Air in Boston" (2016) handle.netBook
Sachperoglou, Evangelos. "The Pre-Last of the Monikins, the Play that Gave Birth to Keni Diathiki: A View, and a Review" (2014) greektheatro.orgBook