Machairas, Leontios
(ca. 1380-after 1458)
Μαχαιράς, Λεόντιος
Anaxagorou, Nadia. "The Poetics of an Oral Discourse in The Chronicle of Leontios Machairas" (1996) 3.259In Prosa y verso en griego medieval: Rapports of the International Congress 'Neograeca Medii Aevi 3' 1996Conference proceedings
In Byzantinisch-Neugriechische Jahrbücher 3 ( 1922)Journal
In Κυπριακά Χρονικά 9 ( 1935)Journal
Dawkins, R.M. "The Vocabulary of the Mediaeval Cypriot Chronicle of Leontios Makhairas" (1925-1930) 3.266In Transactions of the Philological Society 1925-1930Journal
Kyrris, C.P. "Some Aspects of Leontios Makhairas' Ethnoreligious Ideology, Cultural Identity and Historiographic Method" (1989-1993) 3.289In Στασίνος: Δελτίον του Συνδέσμου Ελλήνων Φιλολόγων Κύπρου (Λευκωσία Κύπρου) 10 ( 1989-1993)Journal
In Cyprus Today 34.3-4 (July-Sept. 1996)Journal