Zirana Zatelli. "From Death Came Last, Under the Odd Name of Ramanthes Erebus" [The State Award 2002]. Translated by Yannis Goumas. Hellenic Quarterly 15 (Winter 2002-2003): 90-92. <Short story>
From Με το παράξενο όνομα Ραμάνθις Ερέβους: Ο θάνατος ήρθε τελευταίος (Αθήνα: Καστανιώτης, 2001, 2009).
Also in Greek Writers Today: An Anthology. Vol. I (Edited and with a foreword by David Connolly. Athens: Εταιρεία συγγραφέων / Hellenic Authors' Society, 2003): 347-350. {2.4}