Seferis, Giorgos
Σεφέρης, Γιώργος
- Translations (volumes) 37 records
- Translations (items) 127 records
- Studies (volumes) 53 records
- Studies (items) 233 records
- Profile
Authority names
Library of Congress
National Library of Greece
Σεφέρης, Γιώργος (1900-1971)
Places of publication
- Australia (9)
- Canada (14)
- Cyprus (3)
- Denmark (1)
- Egypt (3)
- Germany (6)
- Greece (50)
- Hungary (1)
- Ireland (1)
- Israel (1)
- Malta (1)
- Netherlands (8)
- Poland (2)
- Portugal (1)
- South Africa (4)
- Spain (2)
- Sweden (2)
- Switzerland (2)
- Uganda (1)
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (98)
- United States of America (245)
Dates of publication
Appears in CENSUS as
- / Σεφέρης, Γιώργος
- Seferis
- Seferis, G.
- Seferis, George
- Seferis, George / Σεφέρης, Γιώργος
- Seferis, Georgios
- Seferis, Georgos
- Seferis, Ghiorgos
- Seferis, Giorgos
- Seferis, Yiorgos
- Seféris
- Sepheris, George
- Σεφέρης, Γιώργος / Seferis, George
- Σεφέρης, Γιώργος / Seferis, Yorgos
Alternative names
- Seféris, Giórgos
- Seferis, George.
- Seferēs, Geōrgios
- Sepherēs, Giōrgos
- Sepherēs, Geōrgios
- Seferis, Iorgos
- Seferis, Jorgos.
- Seferis, Giorgos
- Σεφέρης, Γιώργος - Έλληνας ποιητής και διπλωμάτης
- Seferis, George (duln. f. Georgios Sepheriades)
- Seferis, Jiorgos
- Seféris, Jórgos
- Seferis, Geōrgios
- سفيريس، جورج،
- Seferis, George
- Seféris, Giórgos, pseud..
- Seferiadis, Geōrgios
- Sepherēs, Geōrgios
- Sepheriadēs, Geōrgios