Seferis, Giorgos
Σεφέρης, Γιώργος
- Translations (volumes) 37 records
- Translations (items) 127 records
- Studies (volumes) 53 records
- Studies (items) 233 records
- Profile
Nobel Prize Library. Giorgos Seferis, Mikhail Sholokhov, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Carl Spittaler. (1971) 4.4698Book
In The Amaranth 10 ( 1987)Journal
In The Boston Globe Mar. 13 1984Journal
In Greece in the Dark 1980Book
Argyros, Alexander. "The Hollow King: A Heideggerian Approach to George Seferis's 'The King of Asine'" (1986-1987) 4.4577In Boundary 2: A Journal of Postmodern Literature and Culture 15.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1986-1987)Journal
In The Texas Quarterly 7.1 (Spring 1964)Journal
Translator: F., E.W.In Boston University Journal 22.1 (Winter 1974)Journal
Bachtin, Nicholas. "English Poetry in Greek: Notes on a Comparative Study of Poetic Idioms" (1985) 4.4579In Poetics Today: International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication 6.3 ( 1985)Journal
In The Link 1 (June 1938)Journal
Beaton, Roderick. "Aphrodite and War: The Wartime Poetry of Embirikos, Kaknavatos, Papatsonis and Seferis" (1996) 4.4581Book
Beaton, Roderick. "Between Literature and History: Writing the Biography of George Seferis" (2012) 4.4581-5Conference proceedings
Beaton, Roderick. "'A Continent as Big as China': Hellenism in the Life and Work of George Seferis" (2005) 4.4582Journal
In Journal of Modern Greek Studies 5.2 (October 1987)Journal
In Greece in Print 152 (December 2000)Journal
In The London Magazine 36.1-2 (April/May 1996)Journal
In Times Literary Supplement 5090 (Oct. 20 2000)Journal
In Times Literary Supplement 14 Nov. 1975Journal
Beaton, Roderick. "Reading Seferis's Politics and the Politics of Reading Seferis" (2001) 4.4589 upatras.grIn Κάμπος: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek 9 ( 2001)Journal
In Hellenic Quarterly 24-25 (Jan.-June 2006)Journal
Editor: Bryfonski, DedriaBook
Bzinkowski, Michal. "The Light of the Cypriot Sun in the Poetry of George Seferis" (2011) 4.4592-5 academia.eduIn Eos: Czasopismo Filologiczne 98.2 ( 2011)Journal
Bzinkowski, Michal. "Odysseus among the Asphodels: Necromancy and Conversation with the Dead in the Poetry of George Seferis" (2010) 4.4593Journal
In Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 8.3 (Fall 1981)Journal
In Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 9.2 (Summer 1982)Journal
Charalambidou, Nadia. "The Mist around Lala: A Return to Seferis's Six Nights on the Acropolis" (1995) 4.4598 upatras.grIn Κάμπος: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek 3 ( 1995)Journal
In Greek Modernism and Beyond 1997Book
Chiotis, Theodoros. "Resisting Subsumption: Autobiographical Discourse as Thought Experiment in George Seferis' Μέρες" (2011) 4.4600 eens.orgConference proceedings
In Arion 3rd Series 18.1 (Winter 2011)Journal
Connolly, David. "The Least Satisfying Form of Writing: Seferis on Translation" (2002) 4.4605 jhu.eduIn Journal of Modern Greek Studies 20.1 (May 2002)Journal
In Southern Humanities Review Summer 1975Journal
In Journal of European Studies 19.2 (74) (June 1989)Journal
Daskarolis, Thodoris. "George Seferis. On the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of His Death" (1991) 4.4608In Athena Magazine 52 (Dec. 1991)Journal
In Neo-Hellenika 2 ( 1975)Journal
In Spirit 35 (Sept. 1968)Journal
In The Charioteer 6 (Spring 1964)Journal
In The Charioteer 22 and 23 ( 1980/1981)Journal
Dimiroulis, Dimitris. "The 'Humble Art' and the Exquisite Rhetoric: Tropes in the Manner of George Seferis" (1985) 4.4613In The Text and Its Margins 1985Book
In The American Scholar 37.2 (Spring 1968)Journal
In Journal of Modern Hellenism 16 ( 1999)Journal
Doulis, Thomas. "The Strategy of George Seferis: The Individual Poet and the Greek Tradition" (1968) 4.4616In The Texas Quarterly 11.4 (Winter 1968)Journal
Dragoumis, Mark. "Young Seferis Explores the Limits of Greek by Translating Keats (II)" (2000) 4.4617In Greece in Print 148 (August 2000)Journal
In Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics 2 (June 1972)Journal
Eklund, Bo-Lennart. "A Poet Translated with More Pain than Pleasure: Giorgos Seferis' Poetry in Sweden" (2003) 4.4620In Scandinavian Journal of Modern Greek Studies 2 ( 2003)Journal
In Journal of Mediterranean Studies 2.2 ( 1992)Journal
Evangelides, Constantinos E. "Some Common Features in the Technique of T.S. Eliot and G. Seferis" (1973-1974) 4.4622In Επιστημονική Επετηρίς της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών 24.2 ( 1973-1974)Journal
Falagkas, Nikos. "The Doubling of the Self in the Private Diaries of Ion Dragoumis, George Seferis and George Theotokas" (2010) 4.4623In Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 34.1 ( 2010)Journal
In Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 41.1 (March 2017)Journal
In English Studies in Africa 55.1 (May 2012)Journal
Fifis, Christos N. "The Struggle of Cyprus in the Poetry of George Seferis and Yannis Ritsos" (1988) 4.4625In Αντίποδες / Antipodes (Melbourne) 23/24 (Dec. 1988)Journal
In Comparative Literature Studies 9.4 (Dec. 1972)Journal
In Saturday Review of Literature 46 (30 Nov. 1963)Journal
In Erytheia. Asociación Cultural Hispano-Helénica 36 ( 2015)Journal
In Journal of Modern Greek Studies 37.2 (October 2019)Journal
Georgakis, Steve. "T.S. Eliot, Giorgos Seferis and the Anzacs Sport and the Global Greeks" (2002) 4.4628In Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand) / Επετηρίδα της Εταιρείας Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών Αυστραλίας και Νέας Ζηλανδίας 10 ( 2002)Journal
Giannakopoulou, Liana. "Sculpture and Stones in the Poetry of Seferis and Ritsos" (2002) 4.4629 upatras.grIn Κάμπος: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek 10 ( 2002)Journal
In Grand Street 5.2 (Winter 1986)Journal
In Grand Street 6.4 (Summer 1987)Journal
In Times Literary Supplement 12 Dec. 1986Journal
In Brill's Companion to the Reception of Classics in International Modernism and the Avant-Garde 2017Book
In The New Republic 7 Sept. 1974Journal
In Boundary 2: A Journal of Postmodern Literature and Culture 39.2 ( 2012)Journal
Gourgouris, Stathis. "The Phantasms of Writing, II: Nostalgia for Utopia — the Idolatries of Seferis" (1996) 4.4636Book
Güthenke, Constanze. "'Do not awaken love until it is ready': George Seferis' Asma Asmaton and the Translation of Intimacy" (2005) 4.4637Book
In The Midwest Quarterly 25 (Summer 1984)Journal
In Classical and Modern Literature: A Quarterly 1.1 (Fall 1980)Journal
In Harvard Review 20 (Spring 2001)Journal
In Times Literary Supplement 19 March 2004Journal
Hirst, Anthony. "Gods Refusing to Die: from Plutarch to Pound via Wilde, Cavafy, Palamas and Seferis" (2013) upatras.grIn Κάμπος: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek 20 ( 2013)Journal
Itter, Andrew. "The Terror of History and the Mythical Paradigm of Existentialism in G. Seferis' Mythistorema" (2002) 4.4644In Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand) / Επετηρίδα της Εταιρείας Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών Αυστραλίας και Νέας Ζηλανδίας 10 ( 2002)Journal
In The Guardian Aug. 20 1962Online
In Metamorphoses 3.1 (Dec. 1994)Journal
In Times Literary Supplement 25 June 1970Journal
In Journal of Modern Hellenism 1 (Apr. 1984)Journal
Karavidas, Yannis. "'[...] all poetry is difficult [...]': The Limitations of Seferis' Modernist Poetics" (1987) 4.4648In Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 11 ( 1987)Journal
In The Paris Review 50 (Fall 1970)Journal
Keeley, Edmund. "[Conversation] With Warren Wallace: on Three Secret Poems, The Axion Esti, and Other Elusive Texts" (2000) 4.4651Book
In Princeton University Library Chronicle LVIII.3 (Spring 1997)Journal
In New York Herald Tribune: Books 15 Dec. 1963Journal
Keeley, Edmund. "Extracts from a Conversation between Edmund Keeley and George Seferis" (2000) 4.4654In Hellenic Quarterly 4 (Spring 2000)Journal
In Encounter 38.3 (Mar. 1972)Journal
In Accent: A Quarterly of New Literature 16.3 (Summer 1956)Journal
In Neohellenism 1992Book
In Shenandoah 23.2 (Winter 1972)Journal
In Fulbright Review (Athens) Fall 1964Journal
In University: A Princeton Magazine 22 (Fall 1964)Journal
In Comparative Literature Studies 6.2 (June 1969)Journal
In The Kenyon Review 28.3 (June 1966)Journal
In Το ζύγιασμα της καλοσύνης 2004Book
In Ithaca 5 (Sept.-Oct. 2000)Journal
In The Yale Review 91.3 (July 2003)Journal
In Comparative Literature 8.3 (Summer 1956)Journal
Kellogg, Jennifer R. "'We're paying off the variant of a fairy tale': Seferis' Historical Poetics" (2014)In Historical Poetics in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Greece: Essays in Honor of Lily Macrakis 2014Book
In Το Δέντρο 26.179-180 ( 2011)Journal
Klironomos, Martha. "Ancient Ανάμνησις, National Μνήμη in the Poetry of Giorgos Seferis" (2002) 4.4671 jhu.eduIn Journal of Modern Greek Studies 20.2 (October 2002)Journal
In Erytheia. Asociación Cultural Hispano-Helénica 21 ( 2000)Journal
In Κάμπος: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek 9 ( 2001)Journal
Krikos-Davis, Katerina. "At the Smyrna Merchant's: Aspects of George Seferis as Revealed in His Personal Diaries" (2000) 4.4675In Times Literary Supplement 20 Oct. 2000Journal
Krikos-Davis, Katerina. "Cats, Snakes and Poetry: A Study of Seferis' The Cats of Saint Nicholas" (1984) 4.4676 jhu.eduIn Journal of Modern Greek Studies 2.2 (October 1984)Journal
In Scandinavian Studies in Modern Greek 7-8 ( 1984)Journal
In Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 5 ( 1979)Journal
Kruczkowska, Joanna. "Asphodels and Aspalathoi – Seferis, Heaney, Mahon: Politics and Landscape" (2017)Book
Lambrakis, Maria. "(Re)writing Experience: George Seferis' Archaeological Poems" 4.4680-5 academia.eduJournal
Lambropoulos, Vassilis. "Who Has Been Reading Masterpieces on Our Behalf? George Seferis, Makriyannis, and the Literary Canon" (1988) 4.4681Book
In La Semaine Egyptienne (Caïro) 21-22 (Oct. 28 1941)Journal
Leontis, Artemis. "'The Lost Center' and the Promised Land of Greek Criticism" (1987) 4.4683 jhu.eduIn Journal of Modern Greek Studies 5.2 (October 1987)Journal
In American Imago: A Psychoanalytic Journal for the Arts and Sciences 41.2 (Summer 1984)Journal
Levi, Peter. "Cambridge's Greek Affair. George Seferis Dominates This Year's Poetry Festival, Which Is Taking European Poets Very Seriously" (1983) 4.4684-5 proquest.comIn The Guardian April 18 1983Journal
In Modern Greek Writers: Solomos, Calvos, Matesis, Palamas, Cavafy, Kazantzakis, Seferis, Elytis 1972Book
Lewis, C. Day. "Hellene: Philhellene (In Memory of George Seferis and Maurice Bowra)" (1971/72) 4.4687In The Cornhill Magazine 1070 (Winter 1971/72)Journal
In Classical Receptions Journal 6.1 ( 2014)Journal
In Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 38.1 ( 2014)Journal
In Greek Letters 4 ( 1986-1989)Journal
In Greek Letters 10 ( 1996-7)Journal
In Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 1 ( 1985)Journal
Menelaou, Iakovos. "The Cultural Wealth of Cyprus and the Role of Nature in Seferis's Logbook III" (2018) Transnational Literature 11.1 (December 2018)Journal
In Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 26.1 ( 2000)Journal
Conference proceedings
Nijjem, J.M.A. "Sources of the Word in Sikelianos, Seferis, Lawrence and Eliot: όργια, ekphrasis, anathematicity [Part One]" (2002) 4.4697In Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand) / Επετηρίδα της Εταιρείας Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών Αυστραλίας και Νέας Ζηλανδίας 10 ( 2002)Journal
Osterling, Anders. "Presentation of the Nobel Prize for Literature to George Seferis in 1963" (2000) 4.4699In Greece in Print 152 (December 2000)Journal
In Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society New Series 211.31 ( 1985)Journal
In Interpretations: Studies in Language and Literature 13.1 (Fall-Winter 1981)Journal
In Greek Letters 9 ( 1995-6)Journal
In Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 32.1 ( 2008)Journal
In Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 32.1 ( 2008)Journal
In Eleutheria 2.6-7 (Sept.-Oct. 1971)Journal
In Ithaca 20 (November 2002)Journal
In Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 41.1 ( 2017)Journal
In Πάραλος / Paralos: a journey into Hellenism 1 ( 1995)Journal
In Κάμπος: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek 11 ( 2003)Journal
In Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 27 ( 2003)Journal
In Greek World May-June 1976Journal
In Folia Neohellenica 2 ( 1977)Journal
In Portuguese Studies 5 ( 1989)Journal
In Indiana Social Studies Quarterly 32.1 (Spring 1979)Journal
In World Literature Today 61.2 (Spring 1987)Journal
Rexine, John E. "From Lincolnshire to Zakynthos; Two Greek Poets in England: Andreas Kalvos and George Seferis" (1980) 4.4717In Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 7.2 (Summer 1980)Journal
In European Writers. Vol. 12 1983-1991Book
Rexine, John E. "Nobel Laureate George Seferis and the Continuity of the Greek Tradition" (1984) 4.4719In Journal of Modern Hellenism 1 (Apr. 1984)Journal
Rexine, John E. "Nobel Laureate George Seferis, Holy Scriptures, and the Greek Orthodox Tradition" (1985) 4.4720In The Patristic and Byzantine Review 4.1 ( 1985)Journal
In Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 7.3-4 (Fall-Winter 1980)Journal
Rexine, John E. "The Poetic and Political Conscience of George Seferis" [review article]." (1987) 4.4722In Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 3 ( 1987)Journal
In Books Abroad: An International Literary Quarterly 41.1 (Winter 1967)Journal
In Greek Modernism and Beyond 1997Book
In Classical and Modern Literature: A Quarterly 9.4 (July 1989)Journal
In Harvard Review 30 ( 2006)Journal
Editors: Riley, Caroline; Mendelson, Phyllis C.Book
Rossi, Vincent. "Another Country, Another Mind. What Sherrard Discovered in the Poetry and Person of Seferis" academia.eduOnline
In Transition 3.12 (Jan.-Febr. 1964)Journal
Savidis, G.P. "Harvard Professor Criticizes Description of George Seferis as a 'Turkish Poet'" (1984) 4.4729-5In Πρωϊνή (New York) April 13 1984Journal
In Harvard Library Bulletin 36.3 ( 1988)Journal
In Grand Street 5.2 (Winter 1986)Journal
Savidis, Theodora. "The Role of the Greek Past and of Greek Mythology in Seferis' Μυθιστόρημα" (1978) 4.4732In Το Γιοφύρι: Περιοδικό νεοελληνικών σπουδών / The Yofiri: Periodical of Modern Greek Studies 2 (June 1978)Journal
In United Nations World (London) 1.9 (June 1949)Journal
Segal, Charles. "Orpheus, Agamemnon and the Anxiety of Influence: Mythic Intertexts in Seferis, Mythistorema 3" (1989) 4.4733In Classical and Modern Literature: A Quarterly 9.4 (July 1989)Journal
In Arion 3rd Series 20.2 (Fall 2012)Journal
In The New Griffon 3 ( 1998)Journal
Sharon, Avi. "Touching Words: Finding Tradition through Translation among Seferis, Eliot, and Keats" (2004) 4.4735Translator: Clay, DiskinIn Arion 3rd Series 11.3 (Winter 2004)Journal
In The London Magazine 12.4 ( 1972)Journal
In The Marble Threshing Floor 1982Book
Stallings, A.E. "Mr Eugenides after the Burning of Smyrna: George Seferis and The Waste Land" (2024 (February 20))
In Comparative Literature 66.4 ( 2014)Journal
In Journal of Modern Greek Studies 34.2 (October 2016)Journal
Translator: Keeley, MaryIn Grand Street 5.2 (Winter 1986)Journal
In Classical Receptions Journal 5.1 ( 2013)Journal
Tambakaki, Polina. "A Modern Poet Reads Ancient War Texts: Politics, Life and Death in George Seferis' 'The Last Day'" (2008) 4.4742In Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 32.2 ( 2008)Journal
Tambakaki, Polina. "A Modernist Poet Alludes to an Ancient Historian: George Seferis and Thucydidcs" (2017)In Brill's Companion to the Reception of Classics in International Modernism and the Avant-Garde 2017Journal
In The Amaranth 11 ( 1988)Journal
Thaniel, George. "Dwellers in the Greek Eye (George Seferis and Lawrence Durrell)" (1987-1988) 4.4742-5In Scripta Mediterranea 8-9 ( 1987-1988)Journal
In Comparative Literature Studies 11.4 (Dec. 1974)Journal
In Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum 4.3-4 ( 1976)Journal
In Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 4.1 (Winter 1977)Journal
In Neo-Hellenika 4 ( 1981)Journal
In Studies in the Humanities 14.2 (Dec. 1987)Journal
In Πλάτων 30.59/60 ( 1978)Journal
Thaniel, George. "The Moon, the Heron, and The Thrush. George Seferis, Douglas Lepan, and Greek Myth" (1989) 4.4750In Classical and Modern Literature: A Quarterly 9.4 (July 1989)Journal
In Journal of Modern Greek Studies 5.1 (May 1987)Journal
Thaniel, George. "Sixteen English Letters to George Seferis: Presented with an Introduction" (1986) 4.4752In Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 2 ( 1986)Journal
In Folia Neohellenica 8 ( 1987-89)Journal
In Neo-Hellenika 1 ( 1970)Journal
Conference proceedings
Translator: Savvas, MinasIn Quarterly Review of Literature 18.3-4 ( 1973)Journal
In Classical Receptions Journal 9.3 ( 2017)Journal
Valaoritis, Nanos. "Remembering the Poets: Translating Seferis with Durrell and Bernard Spencer" (2004) 4.4759Book
In History of European Literature 2000Book
In The Greek Novel, A.D. 1-1985 1988Book
Yatromanolakis, Yoryis. "Domenikos Theotokopoulos in the Work of Nikos Kazantzakis and George Seferis" (2000) 4.4761-4In Ithaca 5 (Σεπτέμβριος-Οκτώβριος 2000)Journal
In Life and Letters and the London Mercury 64 (Jan. 1950)Journal
In Books Abroad: An International Literary Quarterly 42 (Spring 1968)Journal
Translator: Davis, JohnIn The New Griffon 6 ( 2003)Journal
In The New Griffon 6 ( 2003)Journal