Sinopoulos, Takis
Σινόπουλος, Τάκης
In Times Literary Supplement 10 Oct. 1980Journal
Karampetsos, E.D.; Maddox, Donald D. "Greece's Poet-Chronicler Tákis Sinópoulos (1917-81): An Interview" (1983) 4.4893In World Literature Today 57.3 (Summer 1983)Journal
Maskaleris, Thanasis. "Ritsos and Sinopoulos. The Darker Side of the Greek Experience" (1979) 4.4894In The Hellenic Journal 5.20 (4 Oct. 1979)Journal
In Homer in the Twentieth Century 2007Book
In Poetry (Chicago) 105.1 (Oct. 1964)Journal