Browse all volumes
All book-length items in which smaller CENSUS items appear. For each volume, only its CENSUS-related contents are
listed, in order of appearance.
- Lamentation and Modernity in Literature, Philosophy, and Culture
Land of Evening
- Landscapes of Irish and Greek Poets: Essays, Poems, Interviews
Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes: From Crisis to Critique
- The Last Empire: Essays 1992-2000
Lawrence Durrell: Comprehending the Whole
- Lawrence Durrell and the Greek World
- Leaves: Fiery Leaves of Winter Last Longer
Less than One: Selected Essays
- The Limits of Imagination: Wordsworth, Yeats, and Stevens
LitCri ’15. IV. Literary Criticism Conference Proceedings
- Literary Olympians 1992: An International Anthology
- Literary Olympians II
Literary Translation and the Making of Originals
The Literary and Cultural Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe
- Literature and Politics: Pushing the World in Certain Directions
Literature and Society in Renaissance Crete
- Literature as National Institution: Studies in the Politics of Modern Greek Criticism
- A Little Tour through European Poetry
- The Longman Anthology of World Literature
- The Longman Anthology of World Literature by Women 1875-1975
The Longman Anthology of World Literature. Compact Edition
- The Lost Center and Other Essays in Greek Poetry
- Love Poems
The Lyric Theory Reader: A Critical Anthology
- Läsa Kavafis: Valda Dikter