Karkavitsas, Andreas
Καρκαβίτσας, Ανδρέας
Translator: Wyatt, William F., Jr.Novel (excerpt)
Translator: Sampson, TheodoreShort story
Karkavitsas, Andreas. "Excerpt from Ch. 3, 'The Celebrants' from the [1890] Novel The Lissome Maiden (Η λυγερή)" (2009) 4.2213Translator: Matthias, SusanIn Metamorphoses 17.2 (Fall 2009)Novel (excerpt)
Editor: Connolly, DavidProse
Translator: Harrison, F. BayfordShort story
Short story
Karkavitsas, Andreas. "Scenes from Greek Life: Chrysanthos. From the Greek of Andreas Karkavitsas" (1892) 4.2218Translator: Edmonds, E.M.In The Eastern and Western Review 2.3 (Aug. 1892)Short story
Translator: Gianos, Mary P.Short story
Translator: Pappas, ChristinaIn The Charioteer 4 ( 1962)Short story
Translators: Vaka, Demetra; Phoutrides, AristidesIn Modern Greek Stories 1920Prose
Translator: Nicholas, FotineIn The Charioteer 4 ( 1962)Short story
Translators: Tsiaperas, Solon; Condos, TheonyIn The Charioteer 14 ( 1972)Short story