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All the Greek creative authors with the translations and studies identified under each author heading.

Vitsaxis, Vasilis / Βιτσαξής, Βασίλης (b. 1920)

Vizyinos, Georgios / Βιζυηνός, Γεώργιος Μ. (1849-1896)

Vlachodimitris, Thodoris / Βλαχοδημήτρης, Θοδωρής (b. 1925)

Vlachogiannis, Giannis / Βλαχογιάννης, Γιάννης (1867-1945)

Vlachos, Angelos Stavrou / Βλάχος, Άγγελος Σταύρου (1915-2003)

Vlami, Eva / Βλάμη, Εύα (1914-1974)

Vlavianos, Charis / Βλαβιανός, Χάρης (b. 1957)

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